Surprising News for Seals!

Esto demuestra una vez más como los pequeños aportes hacen grandes cambios.
La cruel y desgarradora matanza de focas no se ha podido prohibir aún. Sin embargo, gracias a países de la Unión Europea así como USA (que han prohibido la venta de estos productos) y las grandes protestas en contra de la masacre que han logrado concientizar a la población mundial, han hecho que el precio de la piel de foca disminuya radicalmente. Esto implica que su remuneración ya no sea tan atractiva. Por ende, el efecto es muy grande y positivo. Más de 200.000 focas bebé no fueron brutalmente asesinadas durante la matanza del 2009.
Que nos sirva de ejemplo para no comprar productos que provengan de casas, personas o empresas que torturan, utilizan y matan a los animales. Así sean productos para la limpieza del hogar, ropa, maquillaje, comida, entre otros.
Si bien no podemos controlar las leyes o la posición de muchas personas, si podemos elegir no comprar estos productos y no ENRIQUECER a estas personas que generan riquezas a costas de la tortura de animales. Y si todos lo hacemos, lo logramos, terminarán cambiando su manera de hacer las cosas o en quiebra.
No cuesta tanto, en serio que no, infórmense y lean etiquetas. No por hacerles publi, pero aquí en Costa Rica utilizen productos BioLand, compren productos nacionales y vayan a la feria y de paso se comen una pupusa!
Un abrazo!

Dear supporter,

The 2009 Canadian seal slaughter has officially ended, and we're happy to tell you that this year, about three-fourths of the seals who were scheduled to be bludgeoned or shot to death during the annual war on seals were spared. More than 300,000 of these gentle creatures were scheduled to die during the blood bath on the ice, but more than 200,000 seals did not suffer the cruel fate that Canada had intended for them. They did not have to feel the pain of having their skull bashed in or feel what it's like to have a hook stuck through their eye, cheek, or mouth—just so that their fur could be stolen for "fashion."

This dramatic decline in the number of seals who were killed during the slaughter is largely because the price of seal fur has fallen over the years as the disgust over the slaughter increases. The European Union and the U.S. have banned seal products, and world leaders have spoken out against the massacre. Demonstrations from London to Hamburg and Los Angeles to Toronto have made the headlines, and kind people all over the world have sent a strong, united message that the seal slaughter must end.

While sealers bludgeoned and killed far fewer baby seals than they have in years past and people around the world are speaking out against the slaughter, our campaign is far from over. PETA will be fighting on for these defenseless animals until the Canadian government backs down and ends the slaughter for good, but we still need your help.

Visit our new Web site,, for new ways that you can help save seals, and keep fighting with us until we win this battle for mother and baby seals on the ice!

Very truly yours,

Ingrid E. Newkirk
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Stop receiving emails about this petition. 

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